Thursday, April 2, 2009

Exodus 17

Bible Gateway link Chapter 17

Here again God, the Old Testament God that everyone holds as being so spiteful, gives us another showing of compassion, and uses Moses to magnify his strength. The people rise up against Moses once again, and demand water. They actually demand it! After all the Lord has done, still they demand more. They do not ask, they do not give thanks and glorify the Lord……just as many people still do today, they take everything that is given and demand MORE!

SO the Lord tells Moses to take his staff, and some elders, go to a specific place, and strike a rock with his staff, when Moses Struck the rock water came forth…..not just a little bit, not a small dribble, but life giving water, here again, just as with the bread, enough for everyone! At a time when the people doubt God, even after everything he has done He has done for them, when they want to question if God is even with them any longer..(Let’s not forget they are asking this while they are following the fiery column of smoke….can anyone say HELLOOOO)…..God, instead of striking them down, he gives them life giving water.

A people so undeserving of anything more, and showing quite undeserving of what they already have been given, are given even more, they are given life giving water….does that sound familiar? Just another example of the Wonderful God we serve!


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