Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exodus 14

Bible Gateway link Chapter 14

Verse 14 reads, "the LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."

I think we all have a story that can show a time where the Lord will fight for you! I spent ten years banging my head trying to climb the corporate ladder. I took the classes, made the luncheons, and played the game well. For all of my trying there always seemed to be a stumbling block. I never did make it to the top of the ladder, I was well on the way, and was fairly sure I was playing the game well enough to win. For no good reason, I ditched it all and moved to Austin. Even now I could not tell you exactly what I had on my mind, other than it "seemed like a good idea" My wife will tell you that I went crazy for a short period of time! Looking at where I am now, there is little doubt that the Lord gave me one of those gentle shoves that change the direction of your life forever. He had the answer, and it was not even a question I was asking at the time. Had that unexplained change of heart not happened I would not be writing this to you today. There is little doubt that I would still be stuck in the same rut banging my head against the same wall, so sure that I was on the right track. The Lord is always fighting for us, we need to talk less, and be silent more!

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