Thursday, March 26, 2009

Genesis 49

Bible Gateway link Chapter 49

There are many reasons why reading the bible brings me comfort, it offers hope, gives me insight, it brings me reassurance, but a very big reason is that it is comforting to know that these men, whom God talked directly to, men that he raised up to heights all thought would be unattainable, these great men......make many of the same mistakes that we all make daily. Joseph is displeased, even tries to correct what he thinks is a mistake due to old age and poor vision. All to often even great men do not understand that everything has a reason, there is no "chance event" the past is done, and the future is in the distance there is only right now, and how it is played out, is part of God's plan.

We spend a lot of our life displeased about something in our lives. We can be as upset as we want to about anything that happens in our life, or we can realize that God is not here for our pleasure, we are here to serve his. I have heard since I was a child that you are where you are in life, not because of what has happened to you, but because of how you reacted. displeasure is a wasted emotion, and there is something to learn from every moment that we live. There are no ordinary moments, every breath we draw is extraordinary, why would we want to waste them with displeasure?


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