Monday, March 9, 2009

Genesis 21



Bible Gateway Genesis 21 NIV link:


As always God does in fact keep his promise and Ishmael goes on to build a nation. However what is often overlooked it Hagar. An Egyptian slave who was taken in by Abraham bore a child; then ended up being excommunicated from the tribe. What Hagar shows us is that we all play a part in God’s plan. No, we do not all get to be Abraham, or Noah. We all do not get to be great like David…..but we all have a part to play in this life. This is something that I think many people overlook every day. We might not get to change THE world, but we do change OUR world everyday. Maybe it is something as simple as helping out with a children’s ministry. While doing that you might very well make a positive impact on the next president, and your involvement with that child might indirectly change the world. Perhaps one of us will be the person who gives up our seat on a crowded plane only to find out that the person that made the flight in our place ends up stopping a major catastrophe later that evening at his destination.  We all will not have our names written in books here in this world. Songs will not be sung to immortalize us forever. However we all can make sure and live our lives with Christ ever present. Giving the praise and glory to him. We might not be the stars of the show, but the only path for that star to rise might very well be through us. May we all rise to the occasion when called, even though it might be a small part we are all blessed to have the opportunity to take part.




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