Monday, March 9, 2009

Genesis 26

Bible Gateway Genesis 26 NIV link:


They entered into a covenant.


It was not a “deal” or an agreement, it was to be a covenant. This is why Abimelech explains further, let us make a sworn pact……a covenant with you. In the time of Isaac a covenant was not entered in to lightly. It was an agreement sworn not just between two parties, but God was typically invoked as being a witness. When a covenant was formed, it typically came with offerings, and a feast, as we see Isaac did in fact provide. A covenant was far more than just a pact that two people made and might change their minds at a later date. It was binding, and lasted a lifetime. Something that was agreed on and both parties would live out their lives upholding.


I have to point out here that once again we see Isaac just like his father coming in to a new place, and passing his wife off as his sister. (can anyone say like father like son?) DO you notice how once the truth is out Isaac becomes even more sucsessful? Time and time again in our lives we are in tough situations that can easily be diffused with a little white lie. We all fear something, and can all relate to Isaac fearing death, and understand why he did that. However, how much more did God bless Isaac when the truth came out? It is not that God was punishing Isaac. Isaac was a good man, he lived a good life. God did in fact bless him. However, it was only when Isaac stood fully in faith, and fully in truth that God could pour out all of his blessings. Our lives are no different. We have to make a point to stand fully in truth. It is hard sometimes, and we all know it is easier to tell that little white lie, but the Lord will always provide an opportunity to “come clean”. That is how he wants us to live. Honestly, and in Faith, that is what was expected of his son, and he is not the type to have double standards……..he just cuts us a little more slack!





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