Thursday, March 26, 2009

Genesis 38

Bible Gateway link Chapter 38

There was a lot going on here, and when it comes down to it Tamar was more righteous. I think that is the best way you can describe her,…. more righteous than……It is not what she did was righteous, or that she was a righteous in her intent. However she was more righteous that Judah. They both were in the wrong; both were going after something that they did not really have any business playing with. For her it was a place in the bloodline of Abraham, and him….well we all know what he was after. This is where I think we have to look for the lack of righteousness. Tamar felt slighted, so she went out to spy. We are not told that it was her intention to deceive Judah, just observe. Judah on the other hand is like a bull in a china shop. No care, no concern, no thought. He sees a woman, and wants her……he is tempted. We know that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity to overcome, but here we see Judah jump in head first. He makes the offer, and then after the deed is done offers up very personal effects as pawn.

We are guilty of the same thing today, power, money, and sex…these things more than any others will drive many people to offer up their most prized possessions, just for a little more of one of these three. So many will give anything for worldly pleasures, only to come to realize in the end the short-lived pleasure is not worth the cost. We think nothing of it at the time only to find our word, our integrity, and righteousness lying in shambles on the floor when the truth comes to light.

As everyone knows, what you give to a pawnshop always cost more to get back. That interest can prove to be quite high. Judah gave in to the moment in lust, and had to part with his signet, his cord, and his staff, these things meant something, they were outward signs of Judah they are things that made him different than any other man, and he gave them up. You have to wonder if anyone noticed them missing. You would think at some point he would have had to explain where these things went. Could you imagine the shame that he must have felt? The lies he must have told to try and cover his tracks…..So often that is how it goes. One moment of weakness, and you spend a lifetime trying to bury it. Then to have Tamar show up with those effects. That would be like a mistress showing up with the videotape in hand, popping it in to the machine, and asking someone to pop some popcorn! Now all of the lying from the moment it happened comes to light. All of the stories are shattered, and Judah is left with nothing to do but admit the truth. Yes he lied when he promised his last son, yes he demeaned his wife and family by seeking out a harlot, and yes, anything he had said to cover his tracks must be admitted to as a lie as well. While neither was righteous in their actions, there is little doubt that Tamar was more righteous than Judah. So we should all remember just how important the choices we make are. Even the ones that we think will never be found out. The Lord will bring the truth to light, and we will have to stand and answer for the choice we made, I pray that we all remember that while we will all be tempted it will not be more than we can withstand. The Lord will always provide a way out; we just have to look for it. We should never barter the signet of Christ for anything made or offered by the world.


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